Timo Seidl

I´m a post-doc (Universitätsassistent) at the University of Vienna’s Centre for European Integration Research (EIF). I hold a PhD from the European University Institute with a thesis on the comparative political economy of digital capitalism. In my research, I look at how ideas and institutions as well as politics and power shape the digital transformation of economies and societies, with a particular focus on the role of the European Union.

Check out my CV to find out more about me and my work. If you’re still interested, I write in more detail about my research interests here. You can also browse my publications and download replication materials here. I also publish the syllabi (and slides) of courses I teach, you can find them here. Lastly, I have a rarely used blog where I post things like book reviews or writing guides - take a look here. And if you want to stay or get in touch, just follow me on Bluesky or drop me an email at timo.seidl@univie.ac.at.

I’m also the co-founder and co-convenor of the Politics and Culture of Digital Capitalism (PCDC) Reading Group.